
In the vastness of the Iranian desert, young artists strive for freedom, community, and the preservation of their cultural heritage in the ancient caravanserai of Deyr-e Gachin, while facing the harsh conditions of their surroundings.

Two travelers arrive at the caravanserai of Deyr-e Gachin and, like countless people on the Silk Road before them, are welcomed. Parnian, a dedicated young Iranian, guides the audience through the daily life of the community currently inhabiting the caravanserai. Together with her fellow residents, she works on preserving the 1850-year-old building and dreams of transforming the surrounding area into a nature conservation geopark. Mobin, a young musician, finds inspiration for his art within the walls. Majid recounts the beginnings of the extraordinary project, when the core of the group of friends moved into the desert seven years ago with nothing and began living and working here. Currently, they are working on restoring the roof and planning an event for the traditional Persian Yalda Festival. Sadaf, Reyhan, and Samad are painting for their exhibition in the old bathhouse. Parnian encounters obstacles in developing the geopark, and the installation of the new power distribution system happens just in time for “Yalda.”

The documentary film Echo in the Desert accompanies this unconventional community over three months, bringing their history and the spirit of Deyr-e Gachin to life. It’s a story of humanity, dreams, and the search for a place where one can be at home and be oneself. Echo in the Desert invites the audience to discover an alternative world in Iran – a world where people form a symbiosis with their environment, and the echo of deeper human needs for expression and connection resonates even in the emptiness of the desert.



  • Genre: Artistic Documentary 
  • Film Duration: approximately 65 minutes 
  • Language: English and Persian 
  • Production: Filming from October 2022 – January 2023
  • Post-production until June 2024

Format & Visual Style

Echo in the Desert is an observational documentary with aspects of a more traditional style. During filming, interference with the flow of scenes was kept to a minimum unless it was an interview situation. Although none of the scenes are scripted, the sequence of scenes in editing will not be entirely chronological. Almost all footage was shot with a small handheld camera to disturb real life as little as possible. The film consists of real moments in the caravanserai and interviews with the protagonists living there. Additionally, some archival footage is used to illustrate how they first moved there to begin the restoration of the building and hold their initial events.